
Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Drones.

From the 13th April 2019 it became an offence within the Air Navigation Order to fly any Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA), commonly referred to as drones at any time within any airport flight restrictions zone unless you have permission from the air traffic control unit at the airport or, if air traffic control is not operational, from the airport itself.

Lydd Airport is a protected aerodrome under there rules.

You must not fly any small unmanned aircraft within the flight restriction zone of a protected aerodrome without first ensuring that you have permission from Air Traffic Control to do so. The flight restriction zone is active at all times and applies to all small unmanned aircraft of any mass (including model aircraft or very small ‘toy’ drones).

The zones at the protected aerodrome are: Air Traffic Zone (ATZ) and the runway protection zones.

Lydd airport’s ATZ is circular in nature, centred on mid-point of longest runway with a radius of 2nm and extending from the surface up to 2,000ft above the level of the aerodrome.

Runway protection zones are essentially zones that measure 5km in length by 1km in width that extend from each runway threshold into the approach to that runway. Their vertical dimensions are the same as the ATZ.

To help you fly you’re Small Unmanned Aircraft SUA (UAV, Drone) safely, useful information is contained within the CAA’s Drone Aware web pages including maps detailing the flight restriction zones at each protected aerodrome in the UK can be found at www.caa.co.uk/droneaware

A useful app to help you fly your SUA safely is ‘Drone Assist’ produced in conjunction with NATS and is available at no charge for download.

Outside of the airport restricted area the legal maximum height restriction of 400 feet above the surface for the flight of any small unmanned aircraft the limitation applies unless you have CAA permission. Details on how to obtain permissions from the CAA can be found on the CAA’s website at www.caa.co.uk/uas and within CAP722 www.caa.co.uk/cap722 

It is permissible to fly higher than 400ft within an airport flight restrictions zone without CAA authority on the basis you have had prior permission of the Air Traffic Control unit at the airport.

For both Private and Commercial Users: To obtain permission to fly within the flight restriction zone you should complete the application form and return it to Lydd Airport Customer Services by email info@lydd-airport.co.uk Telephone 01797 322400.

It is very important to ensure the application form is fully and accurately completed. We try and deal with these enquiries as soon as possible. However, incomplete or inaccurate applications will be returned to the sender. Therefore you are advised to allow at least 14 days’ notice of the flight as your application will need to be assessed to safeguard aircraft using the airport. You will be informed of the outcome of your application by the Air Traffic Unit.